In order to satisfy our loyal customers online ordering experience. Our SSL verified website system provides customer securely fast checkout service.
You may using many features in our website including online ordering, review and survey by simply log in with your social account. After you make a first order from our website, your information will be automatically stored in the system so that you may review it or reorder it quickly by pulling out your order history with your own fingers.
Besides, you may share your service experience or your valuable comment with us, in order to give you best service in the future.
If you have any question regarding to our business, please feel free to call us at 718.643.0044 or contact us here. We will get back to you asap. Thank you for visiting us!
We, Osaka is the best Japanese restaurant in the neighborhoods. Not only the fresh sushi we carry, but also our staffs are very attentive and pleasant to serve every customer to meet your satisfaction. We also want our customer to know that we always care of your dining experience with us. We always keep the menu price lowest we can afford but to serve you the best quality food with best service.
Our friendly staffs would always be happy to assist our customers to make right decision on ordering their favorite food.
We serve wines & beers in the restaurant as well as Japanese sakes. Please check out what alcohol drinks we carry from our menu. Large varieties of sushi is regularly found in our restaurant. Our special fish is coming from Japan Tsukiji fish market twice a week. Special fish is vary on different seasons.
We deliver to BoCoCa area and even Brooklyn Heights & Red Hook. It usually takes around half hour for delivery time, but the delivery time is actually depending on your address and the time you place order. During the busiest hour 6pm-8pm, it may take 15 minutes longer.